Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 11

I made my dad coffee again and he thanked me and i felt good again

Day 10

Today I saw this little 6 year old being betten up by 9 year olds so I went and helped him it was kind of funny one of the 9 year old tried to punch my but as I do krate and was tort some judo i got him in a arm bar another one ran at me I triped him up and then the rest ran away.

Day 9

Today when I went out bikeing i saw a little kid who had injured them selfes and they were right out side my house so I went and got a plaster for them they thanked me and the ran home.

Day 8

Today my Dad had to go into work at 11pm so I made a coffee and he thank me and I felt good.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 7

I fixed the computer for my mum because my dad was not home yet and she thanked me.

Day 6

I helped my mum make my dinner and it tasted good and she thanked me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 5

helped my mum calm down my sister because she was hyper I know I made a difference because my mum thanked me

Day 4

I played with my sister again and and it made her happy and I know I made a difference because she was happy.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Day 3

I did every thing my mum told me to and I played with my sister I know I made a difference because they were bouth very happy and I felt good about what I did

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 2

I went and got my mum a glass of wine and helped my dad fix my bike I know I made a difference because he thanked me

Day 1

i helped my mum set the table I know I made a difference because she thanked me and I felt good